Baby Walkers- Danger on Wheels!!

Posted By drmims | Nov 13, 2019 - 02:12 PM | Reads: 987 | Newborn and Infant Care

Most parents mistakenly believe walkers will help their baby learn to walk more quickly.

In fact, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that putting your little human in a walker may actually lead them to walk about a month later that those who don’t!

 Not only that, the devices are dangerous. Being in a walker can put your baby at risk of:

  • Injuries such as skull fractures from falling down stairs, bumping into furniture, or falling out of the baby walker.
  • Injuries or poisoning from your baby getting into dangerous places or grabbing objects she otherwise couldn't reach.
It can be so tempting because they come in beautiful designs with those toys upfront that excite LHs..... however it’s best to resist the urge to purchase it as the risks far out weigh the benefits.... if any exist.

It is banned and a legal offense in countries like Canada because they have realized the serious Danger it poses to little humans.

Sorry if I have shaken the table for Baby gear vendors who sell Baby walkers but Safety First!!

In love & health


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